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Free URL Forwarding at ForwardingWeb

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Cloaked or Uncloaked URL Forwarding!
Free Unlimited Subdomains!

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ForwardingWeb is a  URL Forwarding service designed to help you link your domain name or web address with a different page or site in another location. This "Destination URL" can change whenever you like, but your visitors will always be able to find your site using your permanent address.

Unlike many other forwarding services, ForwardingWeb offers both Domain and Subdomain URL Forwarding, with cloaked and uncloaked options and unlimited subdomains.

What Features Does ForwardingWeb Offer?

We provide a range of free features that come standard with your ForwardingWeb Account.

  • Cloaking. Members can opt for their URLs to be cloaked or not cloaked. If you choose cloaking, your long real URL will be hidden behind your domain or subdomain name;
  • www.yourname.com or yourname.com Visitors can access your site with or without "www".
  • Path Forwarding means that URIs (for example, http://www.forwardingweb.com/help/ is the URL, the URI is /help/) are forwarded, so if someone went to www.yourdomain.com/links.html they would be forwarded to {your destination URL}/links.html
  • Subdomains. You can create special subdomains under your own subdomain or domain ( for example, subdomain.yourdomain.com) which you can forward to another site anywhere you choose. You can set up as many subdomains as you wish without additional cost!
  • Dynamic IP Forwarding. Members who want to host their sites on their own computers but have dynamic IPs can use ForwardingWeb for a static URL;
  • Visitors can make use of the Member Search to find members and members can talk to each other through the Member Chat;
  • And many, many more ....

More features are currently in development.

What is the difference between Cloaked and Uncloaked URL Forwarding?

Cloaked Forwarding displays your domain name in the address bar of your visitors' web browsers, whereas Uncloaked Forwarding displays the destination address. Cloaked URL Forwarding can be used to hide your site's real address.

What is Domain URL Forwarding?

  • yourname.com

If you have a free web host, or your current web host doesn't host domains, you can set up URL Forwarding to redirect your domain to your site.

Domain URL Forwarding works the same way as Subdomain URL Forwarding, except you use your own domain name.

What is Subdomain URL Forwarding?

  • yourname.ourdomain.com

Subdomain URL Forwarding allows you to signup for a short subdomain URL under one of our domains which, when accessed, forwards your visitors to your site's real URL. 

Why would you want this? Free webspace providers often have long URLs like:

  • http://www.members.freewebhost.com/~community/account/

A URL Forwarding service makes it much easier for visitors to find and remember your site using your new short and relevant ForwardingWeb URL. Also, you can change web hosts in the future and keep the same URL.

What Will Be My Site Address If I Choose Subdomain URL Forwarding?

If you don't have your own domain name, you can choose a subdomain under http://yourname.forwardingweb.com/

Can I get Email Forwarding?

Yes, you can upgrade your account to include Email Forwarding by clicking here.

Why Should I Join?

Some of the benefits of using ForwardingWeb include:

  • You can use free web space from your ISP or a free web host, but hide their long or ugly address.
  • If your host doesn't provide full domain hosting, you can still set up your domain on your site.
  • Your new URL is permanent, so you can change ISP's or web hosts but keep the same address.
  • You can point multiple domains or addresses at your site without paying extra hosting fees.
  • Your account is quick and easy to use, yet still gives you lots of powerful features.

How Do You Offer Free URL Forwarding?

Simple.  We pay for this service by displaying one advertising banner or NavBar on our  members' pages. Advertising revenue covers the substantial financial costs of providing a FREE URL Forwarding service. If you wish, you can upgrade to Ad-free Forwarding at any time.

Ready to Join?

Great! Our registration process is quick and easy. As soon as you complete your registration, your account will be set up automatically. Your URL Forwarding will be activated immediately.

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Last modified: Tuesday, October 22, 2024.
